All posts by MissVikkiLynn

Adult model, Artist, Entrepreneur

Dating when you are an adult model …. :O

While talking with KittyWilde, AedanRayne and Lolli the other day on twitter the conversation was brought up to tell a person you are dating that you are in the adult industry and whatever comes along with that conversation…

Lots of people commented on this and I read a handful…I saw mostly non industry people saying to “tell them right away! why hide the truth!” “be honest and up front so you know they can handle it” “they may not trust you if you don’t tell them right away” and so on and so forth.

Then I saw a mixed review from some industry people but KittyWilde and Lolli came close to how I feel on this subject. And yes I have dated a handful of people during my time in the adult industry and feel (haughty haughty nose in the air) that I can gauge a good opinion on the situation.

I have had a wide range of reactions from people. Let me start with one where I was in a steady ish relationship and lived with the person so they were to know naturally. We knew each other well enough that is was something we assimilated into our lives rather than let get between us in any way. Long story short, it turned out fine, the person was apprehensive but curious in many ways…lets stop there. haha.

Moving on to another person I dated (again) that I had known since a young teenager. It was a reaction of “Why don’t you do something else, like your art?” but he was perfectly fine with the money I made and spent on him or whatever we decided to go and do. It’s okay sugar mamma for now but give it up someday okay? Dick… fuck you 🙂

*I’ve never been one to have a guy tell ME what to do LOL shocking huh? I just would break up with them. If I’m not the center of attention and in control you can trot on out of the arena*

This one is good…I casually dated a piano player. Good times we were both artistic so it was fun. But I had ideas that he was having relations with his ex gf on the other side of the state when he went home and even though we were never close to being official I don’t share. He thought it was great and would show pictures of me to all his friends… yay? Not so much. At the time I ignored it. Now I would be like my business is my business and if I share with you, you don’t share with all your friends. I will call this “I feel like a cool guy syndrome” Not the biggest fan of that.

I will end with one last guy I dated very briefly and you will see why. He could call me a prostitute (he did not mean that in a nice way) one minute (of which I have nothing against this type of adult but honestly have never done) and than the next he loved me so much and wanted to stay the night. What? Now I can laugh, at the time it was very confusing and emotionally damaging to be treated so bi polar in that manner. I cut all things off with him as he also had a drinking problem that would spur his meanness on as well. None of these things I knew about beforehand but found out very quickly. And left.

So there you have it, four people I dated in the past 7 years. I don’t do much dating these days. Mostly focused on center and taking care of my own. But the reactions from people vary drastically. From cool let me show all my friends, to you are a whore but lets be together…sometimes…all the time…you prostitute you!

Before I leave here, I will touch on the comments of the non industry people. First off, telling someone on the first, second or third date that you are in adult is pretty presumptuous. You don’t know each other that well, how do you  know he isn’t some serial killer or will stalk you if the dates don’t continue? Or tell all his friends about your private life. Neither of these situations benefit you.

Maybe the best conversation starter would be “Do you like porn” you know…if you decide to enter the bedroom together. Gauge how he feels about that and what he likes to watch.

Shut the fuck up, don’t be coy. Most people these days are fucking before they even get out of whatever place they met at. (I don’t do that. Never have never will because I like a healthy vagina) I even know people who ask a potential partner for a clean STD test before entering into sexual relations. (not a bad idea at all) But this is not about that. SO. Asking about porn if you are sexually active with someone should not be embarrassing. Especially if you’ve had their dick in your mouth.

Secondly telling someone on the first, second or third date about such a “taboo and sometimes touchy subject” you don’t know each other well, there is no basis for he or she to stay with you if they are on the fence. Would probably still go sour fast without any grounding to explore and see how things would work out.

Lets have a fake (reality based) conversation for a minute. First date. Girl does porn.
Woman: Hey just want to let you know, I’m in porn, I have sex for a living. Is this okay?
Multiple Answers.
Man Answer 1. Wow, yes, perfectly fine, no worries at all. (man in back of his mind, I can’t wait to see where this goes tonight, caaachoowww, going to tell allllll my friends! maybe even my mama!)
Man Answer 2. Um, well, my family is Catholic. I’m celibate till marriage… (Goes to bathroom and never returns)
Man Answers 3. Oh my god she probably has AIDS! (no I don’t think this of industry people but most non industry people are very naive that performers are tested every TWO WEEKS! Results are shared on a private date base and any issues are taken care of. When was the last time you were tested?)
Man Answer 4. Wow, can I see some of your work, so beautiful. What’s your five year plan? Marriage? Kids? (you can take this as creepy or genuine interest)

Let me tell you, most likely you are going to get the first three answers when you don’t know someone well at all.

I think you should have a steady 6-10 dates under your belt and maybe a good sex romp or two before bringing it up. (Show them a clean STD test! Yay for responsibility!) I do NOT think not letting such information lose right away is lying. If someone understands and knows where you are coming from at all they will completely understand that your safety and privacy come first over someone you do not know very well. And I know most you girls (maybe guys) have a good background story you tell most people who ask about your work. For me I would simply say I’m an artist.

I don’t believe hiding behind a veil forever because you are in adult is healthy but it is the cold hard truth that telling people such sensitive information can lead to reprocussions. Even just friends. I had a girl friend (case in point-that I did not now very long) who was totally cool with it when I told her and than 6 months later tells me GOD LOVES ME and I don’t have to do “this”.

By the way that is my favorite meme of all time. *laughs so hard*

The moral of this story is to choose your timing wisely. Surround yourself with positive, understanding and open minded people. I grew up in a religious home so what I do is very off the beaten path compared to what family would have preferred to see. But they love me just the same and my friends have stayed by my side throughout everything and I’ve learned to date and stay with someone who loves ME and isn’t here for my income, the sex or “who I’m online”. Know that a person can be that for you, before sharing everything.

That is my 2 cents and I’m sticking it in my piggy bank… Ciao!

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Cam Girl Tip Tuesday

Welcome to a new series on my blog! Every Tuesday I’m going to give cam/adult models tips I’ve learned over the years. I can’t give it all away but I can share a little bit *wink

Is horrible for your own self esteem and your business.
Everyone has a bad day BUT to tote about it on twitter on the daily is going to lose you credibility. Contrary to popular belief on social media, you!

There are many days and many instances in my life that I would love to have a social media breakdown. Or even here on my blog. I even go so far as to type entire blogs out that I than delete because I realize that is not who I want to be. Being positive in the face of adversity will help you climb out of whatever hole you are in much faster than being negative. This is something I work on and evolve even for myself. BE POSITIVE. Not every day is going to be a good day, personally, publicly or on cam. Realize that is the time, hour, day or maybe a week or month that you need to regroup inside your mind and protect your mental health.

Remember why people come to see you online. They want a break from their own day or their own reality for a little while. YOU are the entertainment they choose to follow, support and spend maybe their hard earned fun money on. If you are not being fun, that fun money probably won’t come your way long. Maybe at first in a way of pity but in the long run people will find someone else who has a smile, a positive message and a good attitude to latch onto. Positivity ATTRACTS people, ideas and general awesomeness.

So get out there, be positive, take days off when you need and always think “Do I need to post that my BMW has a scratch wah wah wah?!” when I could leave that out and say “LOVE YOU GUYS THANKS FOR EVERYTHING!” and your followers will smile as you both had a positive impact on each others days. yay! *highs fives you all*

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  1. @MissVikkiLynn do you like the taste of cum?
  2. @MissVikkiLynn what’s your favorite fetish to film just now?
  3. @MissVikkiLynn would you do a cum play custom clip, where you teach and instruct us on how to play with our cum in our mouths and fingers
  4. @MissVikkiLynn dominate or be dominated?
    ANSWER 1. I enjoy playing out this type of fetish in live shows an recorded videos yes. #CEI
    ANSWER 2. Probably not.
    ANSWER 3. I’m not into cum in my mouth which probably answers question 7-I’m very dominate. I’ve only tasted cum a handful of times in my life-it’s not my thing. I would not be good at gonzo or hard core porn-this is why I’m not in b/g porn. I would probably do femdom type of porn-no sex though.
    ANSWER 4. I really enjoy a lot of fetishes but I would have to say that I really like cum eating instruction, forced bi, orgasm denial and jerk off instruction. To name a few…
    ANSWER 5. yes
    ANSWER 6. I do not usually play video games, maybe a few times a year and it would be mario cart or mario world. Not into TV or fast motion visuals for long periods of time.
    ANSWER 7.  I’m not submissive at all. I do some role play erotica like that once in a blue moon-I’m fine with that. As for doing a real session of being a submissive I never have and probably never will. I’m very dominate-always have been. I have to be in control in some way or I’m not interested or turned on.


Q: billybaroo49 ‏@billybaroo49 22h22 hours ago

@MissVikkiLynn clarification question: my mom is so ocd, she has to cut her sandwich in half, but it must also be diagonal – you, too?
A: I just like it in half, I will eat it diagonal but if I cut the sandwich myself it is just down the middle.

Cam Girl Tip Tuesday

Welcome to a new series on my blog! Every Tuesday I’m going to give cam/adult models tips I’ve learned over the years. I can’t give it all away but I can share a little bit *wink

Tip #1. Keep your cam space clean. It can look like a tornado or earthquake happened anywhere that is not in view of your cam screen. It is important to keep the focus on YOU. Not on that pile of dirty clothes in the corner, the toy blocks from junior or the fact you just plain forgot to wash your floors for 3 months. Your space needs to speak for you, calm, zen, clean. Ready to give all your attention to your customers. If you have to, throw or shove everything that is not fitting into the environment you want to create into a basket and set it outside the door/in a closet etc. Below is one of my favorite photos of all time. I will admit I’ve been guilty of this before. When one owns and juggles two businesses from home things can get a little hairy. But at least no one is seeing hair on my floors *wink

Search “cam girl tip tuesday” on my blog to find more tips, tricks and funny blog postings! XO

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Q. MissMirand’sPet ‏@MayorofMilperra Nov 1

@MissVikkiLynn Miss Vikki I’m having trouble getting my wife to commit to any long term F/m domiantion/lifestyle, any tips?
A: Is your wife into being dominate? or more submissive? A switch? It’s important to know each partners likes and dislikes or things they are at least willing to try. A lot of women are probably very uneducated into the world of BDSM just for mere fact of no one ever bringing it into play in their life sexually or casually-or maybe only read the famed “50 shades of grey” books. I know I was at one point as well-there is so much to learn. I think a lot of what is portrayed in the D/s life style can be really daunting or scary to a new comer. So starting with the basics with a book (quite a few on Amazon-this one here is great: can be helpful. If you and your wife are in a relationship where you can talk frankly and freely and she is not shy about sex or what both your desires are then this will be easier. Some couples have a harder time expressing new kinks for fear of a negative connotation.
I would encourage some reading about the subject-for both of you! Then talking about a type of “scene” you both would be comfortable playing out. Set aside a night of no stress, a nice dinner and time to play out a session you both have agreed upon. It could be a lot more fun than either of you realize OR at the very least you can find out that it was not for you and try something else next time. Keep expectations low and be able to respond to your partners needs. If both people are not satisfied with the situation because of forced expectations or high hopes there will be less of a chance of it happening again.
Good luck-keep an open mind. *wink
PS: I also wrote a blog similar to this question that may be helpful: ‘The misconceptions of domination and my own personal reflections:

PPS: you can find more questions and answers by searching “Q/A” in the search bar on my blog!

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Q/A !

Q: Cody Collier ‏@CodyCollier12 Nov 1

@MissVikkiLynn What do you think you like most about being a professional adult entertainer Miss Vikki? 🙂
A:  There are so many things I like about my career but a few that come to mind first are as follows. The freedom to choose my schedule is nice, I’m my own boss so I get to decide what gets done when. At the same time one has to be good at juggling your own schedules and deadlines-no one else is going to get anything done but myself!
I also love being able to speak with and meet so many different people around the world. Being in the world of fetish and erotica it is always evolving. To be at the forefront of experiencing and bringing to life peoples fantasies really is a lot of fun. I meet people I never would if it were not for my career in the adult industry.
I also get to wear lots of fun clothing, clothing I would probably never own or dream of trying on if I did not work in the adult industry. I’m gifted so many pretty dresses, lingerie and every day clothing. I love that my friends help grow my closet-this also lets me know what everyone else really likes too!PS: you can find more questions and answers by searching “Q/A” in the search bar on my blog!

Do you like shiny?

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Wet Look Leather Tight Black Dress.

The best gifts are the ones I ask for and actually need or want. Like this dress.

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Most Idiotic Comment Awards 1

ChatRoom Guy: Will you use toys and fuck yourself? BTW I’m in a hurry and have 2 minutes.


Me: I do not use toys or masturbate online it is not my thing.

ChatRoom Guy: WTF you are SO lazy

*headdesk through the desk

Me: Um…I’m lazy because I won’t fake fuck myself or moan and pretend I like 2 minutes of plastic shoved in me for your pleasure?
Oh…yea. By the way I do shows and create clips based on story lines, sequels and fetish ideals that I research and read books about. But I’m lazy…Because I won’t lay there and do what you want. 


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