Q&A Female Domination

Q: mark@Mark_Global 

@MissVikkiLynn What fetish weaknesses in a pig do you truly get arousing pleasure in exploiting? Politely.
A: I don’t do it, if I do not enjoy it. Therefor if you find it on any of My clip or fanclub sites or have sessioned/purchased a custom and I’ve done it, it’s probably because I enjoy it. I’m creative in My work when I’m inspired naturally. That being said I’m sure there will always be things that I have not tried that I will enjoy.

All My Creative Links-Customs, calls, clips, texting, art:

Fan Club https://onlyfans.com/mistressvictorialynn…

Clips, Customs, Call https://iwantclips.com/store/2616/MistressVictoria…

Text/Call https://sextpanther.com/MistressVictoriaLynn…

Call/Chat https://niteflirt.com/MissVikkiLynn

Clips https://clips4sale.com/studio/75307

Clips/Customs/Art https://manyvids.com/Feed/MistressVictoria/1004340444

Q&A! Female Domination

Q: CROMWELL@chris1mma

@MissVikkiLynn What was your first real femdom experience like, how did you feel?
A: When I was a teenager, I never knew what “female domination” was per say but I have many experiences that lead me to know it is how I’ve always been. Being in the adult industry since age 20 really has helped me be able to find more of myself in this area of things.
I touched on this before briefly in a blog, I remember specifically “seducing” and making very nervous my 16 year old boyfriend one day though nothing sexual even happened. I like to be in control and I like to make a man squirm and not know what he should be doing. He loses control, I win and get what I want. Whatever that is. Mutual enjoyment I’m sure.As for how I feel or felt…I feel deliciously mischievous and satisfied with the level of control I have.

All My Creative Links-Customs, calls, clips, texting, art:

Fan Club onlyfans.com/mistressvictor

Clips, Customs, Call iwantclips.com/store/2616/Mis

Text/Call sextpanther.com/MistressVictor

Call/Chat niteflirt.com/MissVikkiLynn

Clips clips4sale.com/studio/75307

Clips/Customs/Art manyvids.com/Feed/MistressV

One of the funniest responses of 2014.

Remember everyone, cleanliness is next to godliness.

All My Creative Links-Customs, calls, clips, texting, art:

Fan Club https://onlyfans.com/mistressvictorialynn…

Clips, Customs, Call https://iwantclips.com/store/2616/MistressVictoria…

Text/Call https://sextpanther.com/MistressVictoriaLynn…

Call/Chat https://niteflirt.com/MissVikkiLynn

Clips https://clips4sale.com/studio/75307

Clips/Customs/Art https://manyvids.com/Feed/MistressVictoria/1004340444

Ciao 2014! So Thankful.

I want to personally thank each and every one of you who has supported me this year. Clips, customs videos, thoughtful gifts and kind words of motivation and compliments galore. Visiting me live on cam and being such good boys, gentlemen and making me so excited for the future of my career here.

I’ve had a lot of changes in my life this year and I’m still evolving to be where I want to be. To live that life of self sufficiency, to be thankful for the small things. I don’t need to “keep up with the Jonses” and I don’t need to be like other providers online.

A big part of happiness and feeling successful is the ability to share myself here. To be real. To even share the moments that hurt or are not as conventional. I thank you all that you are here through everything. Life is ever changing and so am I. Change is what propels us forward, into new things, experiences.

At the end of the day, being down to earth, being kind, caring…REAL…is much more important to me then someone thinking I’m perfect because of the shoes I have, the car I drive or whats in my bank account. Yes I like female domination (genuinely) but I want the time you spend here to add to your life, not take away from it. I want to be an escape, a moment of entertainment and rest. No regrets.

I’m thankful for the up’s and down’s the failures and successes, I think they all make me better. Smarter and stronger. So cheers to 2014 and going into a new year and reflecting on starting anew, I wish you a happy and healthy 2015.

All My Creative Links-Customs, calls, clips, texting, art:

Fan Club https://onlyfans.com/mistressvictorialynn…

Clips, Customs, Call https://iwantclips.com/store/2616/MistressVictoria…

Text/Call https://sextpanther.com/MistressVictoriaLynn…

Call/Chat https://niteflirt.com/MissVikkiLynn

Clips https://clips4sale.com/studio/75307

Clips/Customs/Art https://manyvids.com/Feed/MistressVictoria/1004340444


QUESTIONS: kelly mackle@kellymackle Dec 22

@MissVikkiLynn What would you do if you were shrunk to doll size?
ANSWER: That makes me want to have an anxiety attack just thinking about it. I think submissive people are more into the shrinking fetish. I would just hope there was a doll house around for myself to utilize I guess. -shrugs-

Q/A #spanking

  1. QUESTION: Brad ‏@TheGreatJizzo 

    @MissVikkiLynn what’s your feelings on “percussion”? If a fan, do you prefer: paddle, flogger, or bare hand? Better to give or receive? personally I’m a giver and prefer using my hand. But paddles are great for more pin point attacks. 😉
    ANSWER: I like spanking as in spanking someone else. I think it can be great foreplay, or so I have read it can even give some people orgasms with just the action alone.
    Having a small hand I think that I prefer a paddle or something of that nature. (hairbrush? wooden spoon? so many options) I think with a flogger or whip you do have to be careful and skilled at where it lands. As it can be painful and though some do like pain, in certain areas it may not be what is wanted. Practice practice!
    Being a natural Domme I do not really like to be spanked. In personal life or public etc.

All My Creative Links-Customs, calls, clips, texting, art:

Fan Club https://onlyfans.com/mistressvictorialynn…

Clips, Customs, Call https://iwantclips.com/store/2616/MistressVictoria…

Text/Call https://sextpanther.com/MistressVictoriaLynn…

Call/Chat https://niteflirt.com/MissVikkiLynn

Clips https://clips4sale.com/studio/75307

Clips/Customs/Art https://manyvids.com/Feed/MistressVictoria/1004340444

#lifehacks for men 2

Holding open doors for any lady will get your brownie points I don’t care of you are the Beast or have a hump back. I don’t care of you know the woman, hate her or want to take her home. Chivalry in day to day life seems to be dead these days and if you have it, kudos.

I always love finding old vintage photographs of men when they wore suits, pocket chains with watches and had those lovely mustaches. I kick myself for not buying one I found at good will the other day. Sometimes I think I’m born into the wrong era but since in this day and age I won’t be stoned to death for showing off my erotic side maybe it’s all working out.

I feel a lot of sexual things still happened like they do today, it was just a lot more hush hush. As the world grows more things are becoming common place or not as taboo as they once were.

So for early 1900’s sake, please hold open doors for women. We will all thank you.

P.S. A man let a door slam into my shoulder the other day. -humph-

All My Creative Links-Customs, calls, clips, texting, art:

Fan Club https://onlyfans.com/mistressvictorialynn…

Clips, Customs, Call https://iwantclips.com/store/2616/MistressVictoria…

Text/Call https://sextpanther.com/MistressVictoriaLynn…

Call/Chat https://niteflirt.com/MissVikkiLynn

Clips https://clips4sale.com/studio/75307

Clips/Customs/Art https://manyvids.com/Feed/MistressVictoria/1004340444

My favorite…

place to currently receive a tribute is on My new +IWantClips.com store! They give me the best percentage on all sales and it makes me feel warm and fuzzy. So go ahead, send me something and tell me why you love me in the notes: https://iwantclips.com/store/2616 #kink #fetish #goddessworship

All My Creative Links-Customs, calls, clips, texting, art:

Fan Club onlyfans.com/mistressvictor

Clips, Customs, Call iwantclips.com/store/2616/Mis

Text/Call sextpanther.com/MistressVictor

Call/Chat niteflirt.com/MissVikkiLynn

Clips clips4sale.com/studio/75307

Clips/Customs/Art manyvids.com/Feed/MistressV

A 10 minute video does not take me….10 minutes.

I think when people see a certain price charged for a custom video, or a pre recorded clip they think “that is expensive”. Well sure, but expensive and quality usually run hand in hand if you know what you are looking for.

When I go to create a custom video for example, I’ve sat down, read the email, thought about if it would be a good match for my own interests and comfort level. Then once I agree to it, making sure payment is made and carving out the perfect time to record. No outside or inside noise interference, having the right lighting, right atmosphere, the correct props, make up done, hair done, lotion applied, all skin smooth, nails done, recording room clean, computer working, cam working, sound working and in the correct out fit and making sure I hit all points in the video that one has purchased.

By now, these things alone, have taken me at least 2-4 hours depending on if I needed to order something specific, set up a different area to record in etc.

Now I’m finally in front of my computer and ready to record…Then I hear a plane overhead…So I wait. Now it’s gone. Then my sun light changes. Waiting again. Oh now I’m thirsty and I need to re apply my chap stick, lip stick and lip gloss. Oh shit is that a tampon string hanging out of my panties?

(that was just for a laugh, if you are grossed out, read this:)

Moving on. Finally I’m pressing start. Right next to the video or written on a piece of paper (oh another step I forgot to include up there!) are certain lines, phrases, points of interest I need to hit to make sure the video turns out how it is suppose too. So while I’m recording I need to make sure this all flows how it is suppose too. I need to not mess up while talking, choke on my own breathe or spit (yes this happens HAHA) and say everything I’m suppose too.

This all requires being in a certain frame of mind overall. One can not record if sad, upset or raging PMS. Well, maybe some girls do, but I make sure I’m really feeling what I’m about to do so that it’s the best of me. Of course, I’m always reading new books, articles, forums etc to learn anything I can about my interests in kink, fetish and erotica. I’m all about self education.

Moving on again. I’m finally done, maybe I had to stop and start over sometimes because of noise I cant control (fucking lawn mowers!!) or the video system itself decided to take a vacation. (pouty face) or I forgot to say the persons name…or I said the wrong name. Yikes. haha.

Finally…finally I’m really done now and I watch the video, make sure I did everything I was suppose too and then send it on it’s merry way to the new owners. Then I wait eagerly to make sure the person liked it (yes I do care, shocker!) I like to know you received your video and that you enjoyed it. That does not include a photo of your dicklet. Thank you.

I’ve also been in the adult world since April 2008, so I’ve been perfecting my craft for 7+ years now. That also comes into play with how I record and make sure I’m putting out great videos and new ideas.

It really took me about 3-5 hours to read, prep and accomplish your custom 10 minute video.
The End.

All My Creative Links-Customs, calls, clips, texting, art:

Fan Club onlyfans.com/mistressvictor

Clips, Customs, Call iwantclips.com/store/2616/Mis

Text/Call sextpanther.com/MistressVictor

Call/Chat niteflirt.com/MissVikkiLynn

Clips clips4sale.com/studio/75307

Clips/Customs/Art manyvids.com/Feed/MistressV

Things you should be prepared for when you enter the adult online industry…

You think you have a little secret. Since you are on the internet, maybe using a different name, who is going to know it’s you? That wig from the local chop shop hair store will help, along with those smokey bedroom eyes. Right?


Prepare yourself. Grandma may find out. Daddy’s little girl is going to take on an entire new meaning. And the kid you went to high school with who never spoke 10 words to you in the 4 years you spent in the same building, all of a sudden asks you to hang out-10 years after you’ve left high school. (*raises eyebrow -pukes in nearest trash can-)

Some people are not going to be okay with your new found nudist camp. Myfreecams. Streamate. Camwithher etc. Or that anyone on gods green earth has access to what some people think is the most intimate thing of your entire being. Your naked body. Your willingness to tease, taunt and make a living off erotica. You may lose a few friends, you may gain some others. Keep yourself around open minded people, be what makes you happy. The strong survive regardless of this…but there are other factors.

Are you okay with someone else probably telling your parents/friends/work colleagues what you do online? Because let me tell you. The vindictiveness of other girls in the industry can be highly worse than an over zealous fan. Be careful who you chose to share yourself with, I don’t (only) mean “customers”. I mean those other girls who want to befriend you. There could be multiple reasons for so. Spreading your personal information. “Stealing” (or trying too) your supporters. Getting to know you to in turn try to air your dirty laundry and make you out to be some vagabond. Spreading false lies to in turn gain something for themselves.

Canter around social media sites, a girls chat room etc. How long has she been around? Does she seem to play nicely with other females? Who else has she worked with on cam/in adult? (and what do you know about those people) Cross reference. Research. Does she have frequent mental break downs for the entire world to see? Yikes. Hide your kids, hide your wife! Not everyone you think is a good friend, is indeed a good friend. Use common sense. Mind your own business. I mean that in many ways. Mind your own BUSINESS, so it grows. The more positive you are and careful who you surround yourself with for support and collaboration the better off you will be. Don’t let negative people suck you energy or motivation. Doing so, the more successful you will be. And when you think you’ve found a chocolate chip (friend) and instead it’s a raisin (foe) you can learn that lesson and be more careful. Hint: I had to learn this lesson.

That being said, there are still great women/men in the adult industry and I’ve learned to surround myself with those that are positive, uplifting and willing to make this career-even with all it’s extra things to consider-work out. Once you’ve been on the internet for awhile you kind of learn a 6th sense. I don’t even have to talk to someone to read their vibe-over the internet. I can just tell. Treed carefully when you are starting and work on you and your business. Take care of you and yours. Everything else is irrelevant.

Neigh Neigh.

All My Creative Links-Customs, calls, clips, texting, art:

Fan Club https://onlyfans.com/mistressvictorialynn…

Clips, Customs, Call https://iwantclips.com/store/2616/MistressVictoria…

Text/Call https://sextpanther.com/MistressVictoriaLynn…

Call/Chat https://niteflirt.com/MissVikkiLynn

Clips https://clips4sale.com/studio/75307

Clips/Customs/Art https://manyvids.com/Feed/MistressVictoria/1004340444

All natural real curves, female led relationships. I'm available for: Webcam, Phone Calls, Texting, Audios, Custom Videos, Fan Page and more.